CorNu Enterprises Inc. Disclaimer
The personal experience of the content specialist, Graeme
Robertson, forms the bases for this material. The company,
6023207 Canada dba CorNu Enterprises Inc. makes no
representations or warranties regarding the use of this
material in whole or in part and assumes no liability for
any claims, losses, or damages arising from the use of the
material. The use of this material (in any way) should not
be construed as taking professional advice from the author
or CorNu Enterprises Inc.
Privacy Statement:
The information you provide to CorNu Enterprises on the form below will be used only to facilitate
service to you our registrant. None of the information provided will be used in any other
way nor will it be provided to any other company or agency. Furthermore CorNu Enterprises will
never contact you in the future asking for personal information related to your account.
If, at any time you receive any communication by any means asking for such information
please ignore the request as it has not come form CorNu Enterprises.